Reem Banna – in her own words on Assad

Posted: 02/01/2022 by editormary in Activists and Activism, Culture and Heritage, Grassroots Activism, Palestine, Resistance, Syria

In 2012, the beloved and greatly mourned Palestinian singer Reem Banna publicly declared her dedication to a Free Syria and denounced the silence of the world in the face of the “most criminal and backward regime of the Arab world”, the Assad regime. Following is her declaration in Arabic, English and Italian.

“For the first time, I declare my position regarding what is happening in Syria: Bashar Al-Assad is a delinquent, a criminal and a child-killer… The regime of Assad is the most criminal and backward regime of the Arab world. Shame on anyone who continues to remain silent. Every moment that passes without us standing up and doing something, means hundreds of Syrians being killed. We are silent in the face of the killing of over 11,000 Syrian martyrs. At the same time and, unfortunately, there are some who are still defending this regime and delude themselves with the worn out justifications defending a ruler who has lost an entire country and perhaps will lead to no one being left, except for some of his Shabiha (para-military gangs for the regime – translator’s note) and some other cowards, after having gotten rid of the population… The conspiracy… it is the most tremendous cosmic conspiracy against Palestine and Syria… this is my position on it. Even if I will be boycotted, even if I will be stopped and denied entry into any Arab country at all… art without a position and action is an art that differs only in form from cabaret, but with more elegance. All of those who glorify a homicidal ruler, who do not stand up against him, are free to do so…. But I will not accept that someone hinders me on account of my position. Whoever would like to cut me out of their “friends” list… let them do so… they are absolutely free to do what they want.

And to the shabiha who are going to jump on spreading this status far and wide in order to increase the perimeter in which to kill me psychologically, on a human level and technically, I say to you: Palestine taught me to never be silent against injustice. Close your eyes if you want to, but do not dare to close the eyes of others.

Long live the free Syrian people… Long life Syria as a free country, for freedom. I love you Syria.” Reem Banna 30/5/2012

Reem Banna:

“Per la prima volta dichiaro la mia posizione su quanto sta accadendo in Siria: Bashar al-Assad è un delinquente, un criminale e un assassino di bambini.. Il regime di Assad è il regime più criminale e arretrato del mondo arabo.. Vergogna su coloro che continuano a stare in silenzio.. Ogni momento che passa e noi non facciamo nulla… Centinaia di siriani vengono uccisi.. Non rimaniamo in silenzio sull’uccisione di oltre 11.000 martiri arabi siriani.. Allo stesso tempo e purtroppo.. alcuni stanno ancora difendendo e si illudono con le logore giustificazioni su un sovrano che ha perso un intero paese e forse nessun altro rimarrà, alcuni dei suoi shabiha e alcuni codardi dopo essersi sbarazzati del loro popolo.. La cospirazione…è la più grande cospirazione cosmica contro la Palestina e la Siria.. questa è la mia posizione.. anche se verrò boicottata, mi sarà impedito e negato l’ingresso in qualsiasi paese arabo. .l’arte senza posizione e azione.. è un’arte che differisce solo nella forma dell’arte del cabaret.. ma più elegantemente.. tutti coloro che glorificano  un sovrano omicida.. non gli faccio causa.. è libero.. ma non accetterò che qualcuno mi faccia causa per la mia posizione .. chi vuole togliermi dalla sua lista di amici.. lascia che lo faccia… è assolutamente libero..

E allo shabiha che ora si affretterà a trasferire questo status per aumentare il perimetro in cui uccidermi psicologicamente, umanamente e tecnicamente.. Dico lui: la Palestina mi ha insegnato a non tacere sull’ingiustizia.. Chiudete gli occhi se volete, ma non chiudere gli occhi agli altri. Lunga vita al popolo siriano libero.. Lunga vita alla Siria come patria libera, per la libertà.. Ti amo Siria.


ريم بنا

أعلن لأوّل مرّة موقفي مما يحدث في سوريا: بشار الأسد سفّاح ومُجرم وقاتل الأطفال .. النظام الأسدي أكثر نظام مُجرم ومتخلّف في الوطن العربي .. عار على الذين يستمرّون بصمتهم .. في كل لحظة تمّر ولا نتحرّك .. يُقتل فيها مئات السوريين .. لا للصمت على قتل أكثر من 11.000 شهيد سوري عربي .. وفي نفس الوقت وللأسف .. ما زال البعض يُدافع ويوهم نفسه بالتبريرات المُهترئة لحاكم أضاع بلد برمّتها وربما لن يبقى فيها غيره وبعض من شبّيحته وقلّة من الجبناء بعد التخلّص من شعبه .. أما بالنسبة لموضوع “المؤامرة” .. فهو أكبر مؤامرة كونية على فلسطين وعلى سوريا .. هذا موقفي .. حتّى لو سيتم مُقاطعتي ومنعي وحرماني من دخول أي بلد عربي .. الفن من دون موقف وفعل .. هو فن لا يختلف إلا شكلاً عن فنّ الكاباريهات .. لكن بأناقة أكثر .. لكل مَن يُعظّم بحاكم قاتل .. أنا لا أحاكمه .. هو حُرّ .. لكن لن أقبل بأن يُحاكمني أحد على موقفي .. مَن يرغب بحذفي من لائحة أصدقائه .. فليفعل .. له مُطلق الحُريّة ..

وللشبّيحة الذين سيسارعون الآن في نقل هذا الستاتوس لتوسيع رقعة قتلي نفسيّاً وإنسانيّاً وفنيّاً .. أقول لهم: إن فلسطين علّمتني أن لا أسكت عن الظلم .. لن أتجاهل هذا الدم النازف لو على قطع رأسي .. وأن فلسطين .. أيقونة تحميني من قذاراتكم .. أغمضوا أعينكم إن شئتم .. لكن لا تفقأوا عيون الآخرين ..

عاش الشعب السوري الحُرّ .. عاشت سوريا وطناً حُرّا للأحرار .. أحبّك سوريا

30/5/2012 عرض أقل

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