Beeley admits: “Even Assad doesn’t deny torture”: Spy vs Spy… a Pro-Assadist Comedy

Posted: 09/07/2017 by editormary in Assad, Hasbara / Zionist Propaganda, Internet and Communication, Middle East Issues, Politics, Syria, War
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spy vs spy“Even Govt don’t deny torture happened”: Spy vs Spy…. A Syrian comedy starring Vanessa Beeley. Guest starring Tim Anderson, Eva Bartlett, Scott Gaulke and Iman & Susan Safi

In the midst of the Syrian genocide, it’s always interesting when you manage to be amused by the antics of the enemy. If you thought that the Pro-Assad faction was united, you haven’t been paying close enough attention. The fact is that there is a civil war going on between the Old Guard and the New Guard. Both factions claim to be intimate with “the President” and privy to special, secretive knowledge. Yes, we know, Knowledge is Power. Both factions also are waging their own little cyber war based on calling each other spies, Mossad agents and cyber stalkers. There is so much importance given to the claim about being “invited” to countries such as North Korea and Syria by the leadership, with the other side shooting their bullets in the “DID NOT!” stakes, and bragging to have “informed” authorities about the lies and liars.

It’s a sight to savour, and you can enjoy the two pages on Facebook created for the purposes of “exposing” the Fake Experts” here and here. There are so many “proofs” that they provide that the currently popular western “Experts” such as Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett, Tim Anderson and others who have been proclaiming their devotion to “the President” are actually Zionists and spies. That they are fake, we all can see that, but the spin given by their own allies is a joy to behold.

Let’s just point out two screenshots published (in Facebook and on Twitter) by Navastev, aka Scott Gaulke, of a chat between himself and Vanessa Beeley. Please read the content carefully. Here is an admission by today’s biggest regime pimp that Assad and the Govt were quite aware of the use of torture. And, naturally that torture is “irrelevant to the bigger picture”…

vanessa torture 1

vanessa beeley torture 2

Does the rage that surrounds her declaration that Assad and the Govt knew of their torture signal a shift in position and is this disowning of Beeley a sign that she instead has joined the opposition? In fact, can claims like this let us suppose that Beeley suddenly takes on a position totally different from the established narrative that “the stories of torture are FAKE” by claiming that she is aware it is a well-known fact that the “govt” tortures?

What is probably happening is a display of bragging and loyalty that got out of hand. She is obviously (as is everyone) aware that torture is systematically used by the regime. The evidence for it is so monumental that denying it would qualify someone as being psychologically disturbed, having a completely false perception of reality and a recourse to denial to support a worldview that is shattered by the evidence. What she probably hoped to do was to score points that depict her as very intimate with Assad. She wants to show that Assad confides in her, that she is aware of private information and of course, her work will follow the course set out by Assad. Ok… she’s a fangirl bragging. But what she THINKS she is communicating is that Assad knows about every leaf that moves in his country. The great man AND HIS GOVERNMENT is fully aware of “a few bad apples”. This is a mutation of the mantra of the Syrian regime supporters in the early days of the uprising when they repeated, endlessly, “We admit there is corruption in Syria, the President is aware of it and he is seeking to make reforms, but the foreign-backed protesters are instead turning some acceptable criticisms into regime change. We will not have that! We must support the President now!”

Beeley’s just showing her immense loyalty to the regime and the display of her acknowledgment of the perfection of Assad in another way, by an admission of HIS admission of torture. However, her frenemies are upset. She never should have put a crack into their gorgeous narrative. She was attacked by the husband and wife team of Iman and Susan Safi under their pseudonyms of Ghassan and Intibah Kadi on their various sites and pages. The following is the circling of Vanessa by them, labelling her as a spy while showing her in a meeting with Bouthaina Shaaban.

susan safi kor3It seems that the Old Guard does not appreciate the New Guard getting all this attention, glory, money, fame, and so on from their promotion of the regime. At the same time, they are doing damage control of the actual incidents that could be extremely damaging for the regime, such as Christian Zionists like Janice Korkamp (seen in a photo next to Beeley) making multiple visits to regime-controlled Syria and promoting the regime in her blog. It’s hell on the image to have to deal with this! You can point out very bad connections and label them all as spies, or you can “contextualise” all of these fault lines, as Vanessa hopes she can do. However, the fact is clear that the admission of Assad’s knowledge of the regime’s torture does not bode well for the snow white image of the regime, particularly after years spent denying torture having ever taken place. The only way the Old Guard seems to be able to do it is to follow the Tankie Handbook step by step.

You see, Susan and Iman Safi think that it’s necessary for a person to have permission, an invitation and possibly even be sponsored or paid for by the various “governments”. They had “serious meetings with serious people” while THEY were in Russia and announce that Russia is far more free than Australia, their home. Here is a photo of those great days.

iman safi


susan safi

And yet, fellow Australian Tim Anderson (whom they call “academic with murky past”), along with Eva Bartlett and actress Carla Ortiz has made a trip to North Korea. That’s not really a problem, but it IS a problem that they might have gone there privately. You don’t do that, even if you ARE on a propaganda trip.

susan kor5

susan safi korea

But, let’s get back to the crucial element here. When it comes to the REAL POWER in Syria, what matters is what reaches the ear of the right people in Syria, who of course will take the right “actions” against “spies”. They are bragging that they have “informed” the authorities about the visitors. We imagine so that “measures” can be taken against the “spies”. That always ends up VERY well, doesn’t it?

susan safi kor2

If the prisons in Syria have always been filled with persons whose “explanations” were extracted through torture, an awareness of torture may no longer be just from the mouth of Assad, but it could be very personal, as formerly pro-Regime westerners such as Pierre Piccinin are able to testify.


  1. Les Evenchick says:

    But all Beeley admitted was that torture occurred some time in past history and that Assad, jr. was supposedly reining it in. Rania Khalek has gone much further and admitted that some atrocities have been committed by the regime in an article I read before the fall of Aleppo,, but both still see the Assad regime as by far preferable to the “Al Queda” terrorists who both say are the only alternative. Admitting some imperfections in the Assad regime helps keep them respected by those who oppose the Syrian revolution and see the Assad regime as a lesser evil. ie those who accept regime propaganda against the opposition but know about some of the crimes of the Assad family.

  2. […] The admission was made to one Scott Gaulke, and it was made public as part of a denunciation of her by Assad supporters who objected to even a private acknowledgement that the Syrian government was involved in torture. The exchange was then brought to wider attention on Eliot Higgins’s website. […]

  3. […] uno scambio di messaggi privato reso pubblico, la Beeley ha ammesso che la tortura sistematica avviene in Siria, “ma è in gran parte irrilevante per il quadro più ampio della questione, che è protestare […]

  4. […] Despite this, the Syrian Army is lauded by Vanessa Beeley and no criticism of the regime’s alleged crimes is ever aired (although she has acknowledged torture in a leaked private conversation but said “she’s never going to say it publicly”). […]

  5. […] Despite this, the Syrian Army is lauded by Vanessa Beeley and no criticism of the regime’s alleged crimes is ever aired (although she has acknowledged torture in a leaked private conversation but said “she’s never going to say it publicly”). […]

  6. […] Despite this, the Syrian Army is lauded by Vanessa Beeley and no criticism of the regime’s alleged crimes is ever aired (although she has acknowledged torture in a leaked private conversation but said “she’s never going to say it publicly”). […]

  7. […] Despite this, the Syrian Army is lauded by Vanessa Beeley and no criticism of the regime’s alleged crimes is ever aired (although she has acknowledged torture in a leaked private conversation but said “she’s never going to say it publicly”). […]

  8. […] Despite this, the Syrian Army is lauded by Vanessa Beeley and no criticism of the regime’s alleged crimes is ever aired (although she has acknowledged torture in a leaked private conversation but said “she’s never going to say it publicly”). […]

  9. […] que Beeley ne dise pas un mot des atrocités commises par l’armée de Bachar el-Assad ? Dans une conversation privée sur Twitter dont des captures d’écran ont fuité, elle aurait reconnu l’emploi de la torture par le […]

  10. […] themselves “progressive” and “anti-imperialist”. As several websites have attacked her, calling her an extreme promoter of a criminal regime in which torture in prisons is […]

  11. postkey says:

    “You can’t understand the conflict without talking about natural gas
    By Maj. Rob Taylor
    Much of the media coverage suggests that the conflict in Syria is a civil war, in which the Alawite (Shia) Bashar al Assad regime is defending itself (and committing atrocities) against Sunni rebel factions (who are also committing atrocities). The real explanation is simpler: it is about money.
    In 2009, Qatar proposed to run a natural gas pipeline through Syria and Turkey to Europe. Instead, Assad forged a pact with Iraq and Iran to run a pipeline eastward, allowing those Shia-dominated countries access to the European natural gas market while denying access to Sunni Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The latter states, it appears, are now attempting to remove Assad so they can control Syria and run their own pipeline through Turkey.”

  12. Benzopal says:

    I did the whole round. Blocked by Beeley after one critique, blocked by Bartlett but that took longer. They can’t deal with conversation. Instead they want non-stop approval and admiration, which is addictive.

  13. […] relentless campaign of lies and distortion to promote the Assad regime abroad, despite admitting in leaked emails of being fully aware of Assad’s torture campaign. A central figure in the disinformation campaign against volunteer first-responders working in […]

  14. […] forsøkte etter møtet å spørre Vanessa Beeley om ikke den utbredte torturen i Syria – som hun selv ser ut til å ha innrømmet at forekommer – gjør at mange kan bli skremt til å fortelle henne og andre det myndighetene vil de skal […]

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